

发布时间: 2024-05-16 09:05:08北京青年报社官方账号



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Arthur Bi, a partner at McKinsey and Company, said a traditional method of expanding business was to ask a massive number of agents to promote insurance sales. But that method can no longer meet the diversified demands of customers; nor can it aid the development of the industry.


As Ant Financial pushes its global drive to tap into Hong Kong's cashless payment market, the tech giant is forming a joint venture with tycoon Li Ka-shing's CK Hutchison Holdings (CKH) to sign up more local users.


Army trucks were driving around remote seaside areas in Nakhon Si Thammarat on Thursday evening, searching for stragglers who had not yet been evacuated.


Around 7:30 pm, some set fires on a makeshift barricade blocking all lanes of Hennessy Road, while pouring flammable liquid to fuel the blaze. The fire shrouded the whole pavement and spread to nearby buildings, triggering fire sprinklers. The flames were put out by firefighters about 30 minutes later. During several skirmishes in various locations at night, protestors threw gasoline bombs, bricks and other missiles at police officers. Vandalism was also seen from Admiralty to Causeway Bay, with shutters of many shops and building facades along the way sprayed with graffiti, while a glass screen door was smashed in Wan Chai MTR station.


Applicants must submit proof of delay in the resumption of production, delays or cancellations in sea, air or land transportation, as well as export cargo sales contracts or agreements, according to Zou.


